Growing Rice Paddy in a Container Terrace Garden


Lets have a look at how to grow Paddy in your Garden and also hand mill Paddy get Rice. • I have been cultivating terrace garden from past three years in Bangalore, India. Since i am from farming background i had seen paddy being grown in our native place. One day i had a idea of why not grow this in my Terrace Garden just for fun. And took some sprouted grains and came home to try my luck. and to my surprise i did mange to grow these sprouts in to full blown plants and it even managed to get Paddy/Rice out of it. I did not have any expectation when i started my experiment, but still managed to get a bowl full of red rice after milling the Paddy in home. • ABOUT RICE -- Paddy/Rice belongs to grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice). Rice is a cereal grain, and is THE most consumed staple food in world, Rice/Paddy is a integral part of Asian cuisine and culture. Rice is the dietary energy source for most of Asian countries. Rice/Paddy provides twenty percent of the world’s dietary energy supply, while wheat supplies nineteen and maize (corn) five percent. • PLANT CARE -- I have to say rice/paddy was the easiest plant that i have grown till now in my Terrace Garden, After sowing the sprouts i did not do anything other than watering the plant for its whole life. Growing rice/paddy is very easy, you just need good sunlight and water. So all that i did is took some Paddy sprouts and sowed it in a very generic soil mixture in a container/pot which did not have any water drain hole. • PADDY MILLING -- As much easy it was get the paddy i would say it was that much difficult to mill the rice in home. Usually paddy is grown in large fields and the harvested paddy is milled in milling factories where they can process tonnes of paddy and get rice. But in my case i had just a plate full of paddy so had to come up with something in home only. • For this i used a stone mortar and pestle to remove the husk, i had just put the paddy in the mortar and rotate it with a pestle this made the paddy husk to peel off due to friction. and after that if you blow off the husk you will get the rice grains. • That's it about Paddy, I have also grown Papaya, Coriander, Mint (Pudina), Ladies Finger (okra), Bitter gourd, Musk Melon, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Spinach (Palak), Egg Plant (Brinjal), Amaranthus, Hyacinth (Lablab), Spring onions, Ash Gourd (Winter Melon) and different type of flowers in our Terrace Garden. • Happy Gardening :) • -- Our Other Videos -- • Growing multiple plants in a container | Vlog --   • Growing multiple plants in a containe...   • Growing Turmeric in a Container Video --    • Growing Turmeric in Container - Terra...   • • -- AUDIO CREDITS -- • Cloud Launching Little Glass Men • Smooth Silent Partner • Hills Behind Silent Partner • • -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- • [00:02] - Intro • [00:54] - Paddy Seeds • [01:33] - Pot Preparation • [03:00] - Sowing Seeds • [04:03] - Plant Progress • [05:34] - Paddy Panicles • [07:52] - Harvest Time • [09:30] - Paddy Husking • [11:50] - Rice Finally :)


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