Todd Kendhammer Police dashcam video following the quotaccidentquot that killed his wife
This is the dashcam video from a police vehicle once arriving on the accident scene. There's not much to see, but you can hear dialogue between Kendhammer and officers on the scene. • ------------------------------------------------------------------- • Ok, so I found a bunch of footage in regards to this case. The interrogation, 911 call after the accident , crime • scene photos, police dashcam footage, testimony footage aaaand finally the verdict and sentencing. • So, of course, I had to make videos for everything. Links below in chronological order as the events occurred. Enjoy. • 911 phone call + Crime evidence scene photos: • • Todd Kendhammer's 911 call + Crime sc... • Police dashcam video: • • Todd Kendhammer Police dashcam video ... • Police Interrogation: • • Police Interrogation: Todd Kendhammer... • Testimony: • • Murderer on the stand: Todd Kendhamme... • Verdit and sentence: • • Todd Kendhammer verdict and sentence • --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Todd Kendhammer was currently on trial (Dec 2017) for fatally beating his wife of 25 years and trying to conceal her death by staging a freak car accident. Kendhammer says she died when an airborne steel pipe pierced his windshield and struck her in the head. • Kendhammer also had some injuries himself at the time of the accident , which looked like defensive wounds. Also, other evidence such as glass placement from the windshield points to her not being in the passenger seat of the vehicle at the time of the accident, suggesting she died elsewhere and Kendhammer staged this freak accident.