>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=vvLlHIK5pew

The correct usage of these conjunctions is crucial for proper expression in the German language. ⚠️ CAUTION: It's important to note that als and wenn are often confused due to their similarity in meaning, but als is used for situations that occurred only once in the past, while wenn can indicate recurring situations. Thank you for watching! 💕 • ➡️ Interested in booking private online lessons? Contact me at [email protected]. • ➡️ Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more engaging content related to learning German. • • • Pravilna upotreba ovih veznika je ključna za pravilno izražavanje u njemačkom jeziku. ⚠️ OPREZ: Važno je napomenuti da se als i wenn često miješaju zbog sličnosti u značenju, ali als se koristi za situacije koje su se dogodile samo jednom u prošlosti, dok wenn može označavati situacije koje se ponavljaju. Hvala vam na gledanju! 💕 • ➡️ Želiš bukirati privatne online časove? Javi se na [email protected]. • ➡️ Ne zaboravi da me zapratiš na instagramu za još zanimljivog sadržaja na temu učenja njemačkog. • 🎨 Design - Ajša Beširević • 🎁 Merch - Maksuz Sarajevo • 🎵 Music by human.not.robot - it's 4 am and you won't sleep - https://thmatc.co/?l=6218A940 • #deutsch #a2 #grammatik #njemački #gramatika #osd #goethe


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