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DISPRIZED - Mastering the pronunciation of Disprized in 2023 • How is 'disprized' pronounced? • What is the correct pronunciation for 'disprizing'? • Can you provide an alternative pronunciation for 'disprized'? • DISPRIZED Meaning And Definition: • Disprized is the past participle form of the verb 'disprize'. • It means to regard or treat something or someone as of little value or importance. • It can also refer to the act of underestimating or undervaluing someone or something. • DISPRIZED Pronunciation: • To pronounce 'disprized' correctly, break it down into syllables: dis-prized. • The 'dis' is pronounced as 'dɪs' with a short 'i' sound, and the 'prized' is pronounced as 'praɪzd' with a long 'i' sound. • Stress the second syllable, 'prized'. • Use DISPRIZED In Your Speech: • 1. He felt disprized by his colleagues, who constantly overlooked his contributions • 2. The antique painting was disprized by the art dealer as a mere imitation • 3. She couldn't help but feel disprized when her ideas were constantly ignored in meetings • Please answer in comments for the most popular DISPRIZED questions: • 1. Why do some people feel disprized in certain social situations? • 2. How can disprizing someone's efforts affect their motivation? • 3. In what ways can individuals disprize their own accomplishments? • #underestimate #undervalue #undersell #depreciate #diminish #disparage #underrate #devalue #belittle #neglect #deprioritize #look #marginalize #downplay #discredit #dismiss #disregard #despise #humble #downgrade #disdain #cheapen #disesteem #deprecate #underprice #underappreciate #ignore #understate #discount #demean #relegate • Last updated: November, 2023


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