La méthode McKenzie 1 Hernie discale amp sciatique exercice


McKenzie stretching #1 (Prone Props): exercise to relieve the pain of sciatic nerve compression from a herniated lumbar disc (in the lower back). • For this exercise of the McKenzie method, you will adopt a posture that allows you to arch your lower back, in order to stretch the lumbar vertebrae and relieve the pressure exerted by a herniated disc on the sciatic nerve, thus relieving the back pain. • • Start the exercise on your stomach. • Straighten out the upper body, leaning on the forearms and placing the elbows under the shoulders. • Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute • In this animation, we can see that arching the back not only relieves the pressure on the lumbar discs (and therefore the back pain), but we can also see, (in accelerated), that arching the back allows the herniated disc to retract. • As a result, the inflammation decreases and so does the back pain • We keep the position from 30 seconds to one minute. Everyone does according to what he can do, gently • Rest, from 30 seconds to one minute,... • And start again... • It is important to pay attention to 3 things: • 1. The pelvis stays fixed on the ground: It is thanks to that that we manage to keep the back arched during the exercise • 2. The elbow is perpendicular to the shoulder and we use all the surface of the forearm and the hand to take support • 3. Do not straighten your head too much, do not look straight ahead, to avoid straining your neck muscles. • If you have pain in your shoulders or neck, or if you can't use your arms to keep your posture, you can use a cushion. • I remind you that the goal of the exercise is to keep the back arched and not to make a physical effort, • Neither to get tired, nor to hurt yourself. • ===== More over back pain herniated disc ===== • Do bulging discs heal? - • Exercises for lumbar disc herniation sciatica - • Exercises Yoga poses to avoid with herniated disc - • Sciatica from herniated disc video - • Yoga for herniated disc in lower back: The Cat Cow stretch - • #herniateddisc • #herniateddiscexercise • #bulgingdisc • #sciatica • #sciaticapainrelief • #sciaticaexercises • #sciaticapain • #backpainexercise


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