Neelkanth varni full movie Ghanshyam shyam charitra Swami Narayan episode 1


Neelkanth varni full movie // Ghanshyam shyam charitra// Swami Narayan// episode 1 • 🙏♥ī¸đŸ™đŸ™♥ī¸đŸ™đŸ™♥ī¸đŸ˜€đŸ§˜‍♂ī¸đŸ™đŸ™♥ī¸đŸ™đŸ™♥ī¸ • • 🙏🙏😀♥ī¸ ā¤°ā¤žā¤Ž ā¤°ā¤žā¤Ž ā¤¸ā¤ŋā¤¯ā¤°ā¤žā¤Ž ā¤œā¤¯ ā¤œā¤¯ ā¤°ā¤žā¤Ž ♥ī¸đŸ˜€đŸ™đŸ™ • Swaminarayan, also known as Neelkanth Varni and • Sahajanand Swami, was a spiritual leader believed by his followers to be a manifestation of Krishna. Born in 1781, he became a yogi and ascetic. Neelkanth Varni, also known as Swaminarayan and Sahajanand Swami, was a spiritual leader believed by his followers to be a manifestation of Krishna. Born in 1781, he later became a yogi and ascetic. His teachings emphasized moral, personal, and social betterment, and he advocated for ahimsa (non-violence). Swaminarayan is also remembered for his reforms related to women and the poor, as well as his large-scale non-violent yajnas (fire sacrifices). • During his lifetime, Swaminarayan institutionalized his charisma and beliefs in various ways. He built six mandirs (temples) for devotional worship by his followers and encouraged the creation of a scriptural tradition, including the Shiksha Patri, which he wrote in 1826. Through a legal document titled the Lekh, he established two dioceses: the Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi (Vadtal Gadi) and the Nar Narayan Dev Gadi (Ahmedabad Gadi). These dioceses had hereditary leadership of acharyas and their wives from his own extended family, who were authorized to install statues of deities in temples and initiate ascetics 1. •    / @hiteshbaghelbaghel  


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