Seven Buckets and a Buckle Breamore Hampshire S09E13 Time Team
Time Team returns to a cemetery they excavated in 2001 'Live', a dig that opened an important new window onto the so-called Dark Ages. Double burials on the mound. Byzantine buckets, Anglo-Saxon spear heads. • Series 9, Episode 13 • Time Team is a British TV series following specialists who dig deep to uncover as much as they can about Britain's archaeology and history. • For more Time Team content, check out the Time Team Official YouTube Channel: / timeteamofficial • Support Time Team by becoming a patron and get access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content here: / timeteamofficial • You can now purchase Time Team's Official merchandise here: • Subscribe for FULL EPISODES every Wednesday and Sunday. • #TimeTeam #BritishHistory #TonyRobinson #TimeTeamDigs #Archaeology #AngloSaxonHistory