Germany Revival Miracle Meetings dying raised kidneys schizophrenia diabetes eyes deliverance


Some of the testimonies from these revival miracle meetings in Germany: • DYING LADY HEALED: Lady with a diagnosis of Wilson's disease given six months to live by the doctors. She was very limited in what she could eat, and was in pain. She was not able to walk unassisted or do the most basic things by herself. She attended a zoom meeting one year ago. She was located by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Mark prophesied You are healed , without praying for her. After this things changed very fast and she began to improve rapidly. Today one year later she is alive, healed completely and giving glory to Jesus who healed her. • DELIVERANCE: A mother comes to an online meeting to stand in faith on behalf of her daughter. The mother explains how her daughter is heavily pregnant and suffering with demonic dreams. • The daughter was being tormented by the evil spirits. However, the mother had faith, she showed a picture of her daughter to the prayer helper, and the daughter vomited out the demonic poisons. • EYES: a little boy's eyes moved erratically from side to side. After prayer they were still. • DIABETES: Margret tells how she is healed of diabetes. After not being able to eat many kinds of food or walk very far without stopping. Margret received prayer and said she felt a wind going through her body. The next day she testified how she eat a kebab that previously would have given her severe reactions. Moreover, Margret walked ten kilometres and feels fine. She gives thanks to Jesus for healing her. • DEPRESSION: A man suffering with depression after separating from his wife tells how he was set free. He had become so depressed that he shut down his business and was struggling to get out of bed and go to work. He attended an online meeting where Jesus showed up. He explains how the room he was in was filled with fire and the demon that was bothering him was cast out. • PAIN: Man asks for prayer after years of back pain. Doctors said he had two disks pushing on his nerves. He explains that he was in pain every day. However, after receiving prayer on the Friday he was able to have his first night sleep without pain and is still well today. • KIDNEY FAILURE: Nora testifies how she was healed of chronic kidney disease. Nora's kidneys had a functioning capacity of less than 10%. She had pain in all of her joints and was barely able to move or eat anything. Nora was not able to work her legs and face were swollen, she was more than 15 kilograms than her current weight due to fluid retention. Nora received prayer online and was healed. She cancelled the kidney transplant. • DELIVERANCE: Sara had a history of witchcraft in her family. She explains how negative thoughts would always come up when she prayed or tried to focus on God. Sara came up for prayer and was placed under the power of the holy spirit. She testifies that the voices and thoughts are gone and Jesus has set her free. • DELIVERANCE: Salena was delivered of two demons that would give her nightmares and demonic thoughts. Salena developed addictions and was smoking weed. She experienced a trauma and began to develop demonic thoughts, she says she had no one to talk to. Salena tells how she came up for prayer and Pastor Mark laid hands on her. She went down on the ground and was under the power of the holy spirit. Today three years later Salena comes back to testify how she is free, giving glory to Jesus. • SCHIZOPHRENIA: Young suffered with Schizophrenia, he would have thoughts of revenge and hatred. He would have nightmares of the people he wanted to take revenge on. Young went up to receive prayer and said that when pastor Mark laid his hand on his shoulder that he completely blacked out. Young was under the power of the holy spirit. Now three years later he comes back to give glory to Jesus and testify of how he is free. • Truly lives are changed by an encounter with Jesus. • God loves you, and may He bless your life as you follow Jesus, • Mark Hemans • Jesus Encounter Ministries • Kindly send any prayer requests via the website, and not Messenger or Youtube. • TO REGISTER FOR ONLINE MIRACLE MEETINGS: • http://www.jesusencounterministries.c... • Join the ENCOUNTER MINISTRIES GROUP at   / 354562954594850   • SUBSCRIBE to Youtube •    / markhemans   • PODCASTS on Spotify • VOLUNTEER as an intercessor or prayer helper: https://www.jesusencounterministries.... • PRAYER REQUESTS: https://www.jesusencounterministries.... • SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY: https://www.jesusencounterministries.... TO • DONATE: https://www.jesusencounterministries....


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