Chopin 4 Rondos Op1 5 16 73 Vladimir Ashkenazy 1000 subscriber special


The sheet music score to Frédéric Chopin's four rondos (not a related set of works) for piano, Op.1 in C Minor, Op.5 in F Major, Op.16 in E-Flat Major and a unique setting for two pianos in C Major, played by the legendary and brilliant Vladimir Ashkenazy. • (Due to the description being to long, FULL ANALYSIS PINNED IN THE COMMENT SECTION.) • Key moments of each Rondo: • No.1 in C Minor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Op.1. • Exposition of principal theme in C Minor beginning at 0:00 with the 2nd in E Major following at 1:08 • Development of 2nd theme - 2:07 • Transition in A-Flat Major at 2:56 based on a motive from the 2nd theme, leading to a return of the principal theme in home key of C Minor at 3:37 • Transfiguration of the 2nd theme in D-Flat Major - 4:32 • Beautiful arpeggiated variations on the 2nd theme - 5:05 • Return of the 2nd theme, still in D-Flat Major - 5:50 • Recapitulation of the principal theme and return to home key of C Minor - 7:05 • Short and simple coda of 10 measures to conclude the work - 7:37 • No.2 in F Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Op.5. • Exposition of opening theme in F Major - 7:50 • Development of and expansion of the principal theme, particularly with the use of motifs - 8:11 • Second theme in B-Flat Major following at 9:15 • Motif from the first theme makes a appearance, and is alternated between left and right hand- 10:16 • Return of the primary theme at 10:52, which is expanded and developed, leading into the 2nd theme again at 12:23 (also expanded upon) • A downwards trilling motif appears which returns later in the Coda - 13:44 • Recapitulation of the primary theme in the home key of F Major - 14:15 • Coda - 14:44 • No.3 in E-Flat Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Op.16. • The beautiful and tragic opening theme beginning 15:20 - in C Minor! Not the home key... • At 17:48 we realise that we are in the home key of Eb Major, and the first real theme appears, very joyous, and contrasting the opening of the work • At 18:52 the second theme appears, also in the home key, with a scherzo like character and similarity to the first • 19:45 begins the third albeit minor theme, my favourite of all four Rondo's, a very short and entertaining one that transitions to the subdominant of Eb Major-Ab Major, that borders what you could call Classical music for the Clown Carnival , something you might expect to hear played on a piano at such a event. After the theme quickly ends, rapid scales in the right hand, arpeggios across the keyboard and rapid 16th notes take over. • At 20:47 the main theme returns in the home key of Eb • The second theme returns 21:33, and is developed through it's various motifs at 22:18 • At 23:18 the main theme returns for the final time, with a lot of variation in form since it's first appearance, leading to the coda at 24:23 - a somewhat sombre and restrained ending to one of Chopin's finest works. • No.4 for Two Pianos in C Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Op.73. • The rondo opens with a fast rising scale introduction, with some slow lyrical sections 2510, leading to the first theme at 26:02 • The first theme is developed with very difficult runs alternating between left and right hand 26:53 • Second theme in the key of A Minor at 27:38 • First theme returns in the home key of C Major, and is interrupted with flourishes and then developed shortly after 29:18 • Second theme comes back, this time in E Minor, after which Chopin throws in even more left/ right hand scales 31:21 • At 32:45 begins the coda, the most extended of all 4 Rondos, taking the opening motif of the first theme, interjected with the same rising and descending scales that appear neurotically throughout the work, and leading to a simple 2 chord cadence. A simple end to this chapter of Chopin's opus, the four Rondo's, extremely intelligent, tightly crafted works of no less beauty than any of his famous compositions. • Timestamps: • Op.1, C Minor - 00:00 • Op.5, F Major - 7:53 • Op.16, E-Flat Major - 15:20 • Op.73 for Two Pianos in C Major - 25:10 • Performer(s): Vladimir Ashkenazy - recording(s): • Rondo in C Minor, Op.1 -    • Chopin Rondo Op.1 (Ashkenazy)   • Rondo in F Major, Op.5 -    • Chopin: Rondo à la mazur in F Major, ...   • Rondo in E-Flat Major, Op.16 -    • Chopin Rondo Op. 16 in E-flat Major   • Rondo in C Major for Two Pianos, Op.73 -    • Chopin Rondo in C major for 2 Pianos ...  


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