CLA Supplement Review Does CLA Burn Fat Effectively
► THE BODY TRANSFORMATION BLUEPRINT • Science-based muscle building and fat loss system: • • ► REALSCIENCE ATHLETICS • No B.S, premium quality supplements you can trust: • • CONNECT WITH ME • Blog: • Instagram: / sean_nalewanyj • Facebook: / seannalewanyjofficial • GET YOUR FREE CUSTOM MEAL PLAN • • ---------------------------------------------------------- • References: • Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation for 1 y does not prevent weight or body fat regain. • ( • Conjugated linoleic acid versus high-oleic acid sunflower oil.( • Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation for 8 weeks does not affect body composition, lipid profile, or safety biomarkers in overweight, hyperlipidemic men. ( • Milk enriched with conjugated linoleic acid fails to alter blood lipids or body composition in moderately overweight individuals. ( • Daily intake of conjugated linoleic acid-enriched yoghurts: effects on energy metabolism and adipose tissue gene expression in healthy subjects. ( • The effect of 6 months supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on insulin resistance in overweight.( • Chromium picolinate and conjugated linoleic acid do not synergistically influence diet- and exercise-induced changes in body composition and health indexes in overweight women. ( • Effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on weight loss and body fat composition in a Chinese population. ( • Effects of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on insulin sensitivity, lipid peroxidation, and proinflammatory markers in obese men. ( • Supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid causes isomer-dependent oxidative stress and elevated C-reactive protein: a potential link to fatty acid-induced insulin resistance. ( • Treatment with dietary trans10cis12 conjugated linoleic acid causes isomer-specific insulin resistance in obese men with the metabolic syndrome. ( • Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Hepatic Steatosis: Species-Specific Effects on Liver and Adipose Lipid Metabolism and Gene Expression. ( • ---------------------------------------------------------- • Video Summary: • CLA Review: Does CLA Burn Fat Effectively? • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is one of the most popular weight loss supplements on the market, often being used in various fat burner blends and also sold on its own. • But is CLA effective? Does CLA burn fat like it's claimed to? Or is it just another over hyped fat loss supplement that doesn't deliver? • CLA is claimed to improve fat loss by acting on the body's PPAR receptors. • It activates one variation of the receptor (PPARa) that promotes the uptake, utilization, and breakdown of fatty acids, and inhibits another variation (PPARy) that promotes fat gain. • In simple terms, CLA benefits you (apparently) by helping you burn more fat while storing less. • It sounds good on paper, but unfortunately, the research on CLA supplements doesn't seem to support the claims. • When taking the myriad of CLA studies available into account, it appears that CLA either produces a very minor fat burning effect, or has no positive benefits at all. (References included above) • Not only that, but there may also be potentially dangerous CLA side effects associated with long term consumption. • This includes increased inflammation, increased insulin resistance and elevated blood triglycerides when consuming a standard CLA dosage of 2-5g daily. • So, not only do CLA supplements appear unreliable from a fat loss perspective, but they might even be dangerous for your health. • When taking all of the evidence into account, there doesn't seem to be any good reason to bother with CLA supplements as part of your fat burning or muscle building program. • This isn't really surprising, since most weight loss supplements really don't do much of anything in the first place aside from a select few exceptions. • A few basic fitness supplements can be helpful as part of an overall program (I.E. protein powders, fish oil, certain vitamins/minerals, certain pre-workout compounds) but CLA is almost certainly not one of them. • P.S. If you found this CLA review helpful, make sure to get your personalized training, nutrition and supplement plans using my video presentation below: •