SelfLove Meditation Challenge with Tim Whild amp Lovisa Alvtörn
Self-Love Meditation Challenge ❤️ • Beautiful Souls! In this video my dear friend @TimWhild and I speak of the importance of shifting into more Self-Love at this time. For anyone feeling called to participate, we are offering you to take part in our 21-day Self-Love Meditation Challenge, under the beautiful and infinitely loving guidance of the Venusian High Council with Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara in the lead. • Are you in!?! 🤗 • I can assure you that I will be participating myself as well. What a beautiful gift it is to have the Venusian Masters support us and hold us through this homecoming into the warm embrace of our own unconditional Love. 🌹 • As the days pass, please feel free to comment here how you are doing. I will be thrilled to hear about the shift taking place within you. 😊 • If you find this video at a later date, you can still participate! You will be guided here at the right time for you. • Love Lovisa ❤️ • Tim and I will go deeper into the subject of Self-Love in our workshop on Thursday, August 18, 2022: Closing the Lions Gate. We hope to see you there with us! To read more about it and book your spot, go to Tim's website: