Andaron Saga 36 Ethereal Legion


Andaron Saga is a Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones hack by Mangs some dedicated Fire Emblem enthusiasts. A heart gripping story and high octane gameplay awaits within. • To find out how to download play this hack, check out the following link: •    • How To Play Andaron Saga   • Time for the grand plan to invade Tyronar's keep. Since Helga's forces would just get shot down trying to fly in, why not take a different Skylla conjuring a portal to Helheim. the realm of terrors. Oh yeah, THAT's gonna go well! • Right after taking the portal, you get to select your team. If you want to trigger the secret event in this chapter, you'll need either Caroline or Victoria in your squad. • The main gimmick of this chapter revolves around what the party sees at the start...portals that unleash multiple terrors. What kind of terrors can be a bit random. Having a flyer is insanely useful here...and I have two! Shay's one, but the other is a game over condition if she falls here, Helga. • Helga is, quite frankly, absurdly powerful. Dark magic on a flyer is already nuts as is, but she also has access to anima magic. Having so many options is always a plus in my book. • Helga's growths are also very good in the stats she wants. Str is her only bad one which she never needs. Do watch out for her low base defense though as she can get cut up rather badly by physical bearing enemies. • Helga's personal skill is Lifetaker. If she scores a kill on her turn, she heals for 50% of her max hp. • Going back to the secret event, this one's a bit unique in that there's several areas where you can step on and potentially trigger it with Caroline or Victoria. There's the areas around where your northwestern, northeastern, or southwestern teams begin. In my case though, there's another one to the north of where the southeastern team begins. • This secret event has either of the aforementioned girls that can trigger hear a mysterious voice that wants them to save House Claymore. That's the gist of it before either girl gets the Void Shield skill, making them immune to stat debuffs. There's two more parts to this sidequest in the future that'll need whomever got this skill. • Treasure chest wise, there's a ton of good things here like another Hammerne staff, a Dark Spikes dark tome (effective on cavalry), and something called an Eternal Seal. This item lowers a character's level by 5, letting him or her get extra leveling chances for stats. • Now, to get back to the portals. Several of them have a shady tome using guardian near them. Some can hit really hard due to having high end dark tomes like Fenrir or, in the case of one particular portal guardian, Luna. They also have a personal skill, Drain Soul, that takes around 20% of a target's hp after combat that is triggered by it or the attacker. • As for closing the portals, just attack them. They do have Wary Fighter so you might need a few attacks to seal them up. Albert though makes for a fantastic unit to bring along due to Nihil. • For each portal closed, you get 3000 gold. Also, after closing the first one, Helga mentions she can absorb power from sealed up voids. She doesn't get extra stats per portal sealed, but at 13 voids closed, she gets a new skill...Galeforce. That is very much WORTH it! • As for the secret lunatic objective, it asks for you to close a total of 15 portals. Doesn't seem bad, but some of the portals can be in a position where only a flyer can access it. • So, you're probably wondering what the catch is during the chapter as it doesn't seem like there's anything super dangerous going on. A couple turns in, Jakka gets a psychic hotline call from one demon army superior, Asmodeus. He tries to get Jakka to sign up for a plan that grants him more power...power that can be used to get revenge on Mortimer. • By the time they start convo #3, Jakka has to decide if he wants to take the demon's deal or say hell no to it. If you take the deal, Jakka gets an infinite use weapon and a skill, both tailored towards demonic entities. This also has a rather...profound effect in the endgame. I'll be showing that off when we get to it on a different file. • If Jakka says no way to the deal, Asmodeus decides he's going to remove everyone from the board. One turn after the third convo ends, an exit opens up on the map. • Oh, and the music switches to the one from the escape portion of ch13. That's because Asmodeus shows up on the map and he's NOT happy. One glance at his stats tells you all you need to know...that he'll instantly vaporize anyone he targets. His move starts at 2, but on lunatic, that goes up by 1 each turn. • Also, several portals show up around the map that spit out a dragon zombie. Remember that their breath weapon ignores defenses as you're going to need to seal some of them to reach the 15 portals sealed for the secret lunatic objective. • Once everyone's hauled ass to the exit, the chapter ends. • More next time!


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