The Full Ashton


Own JOBS on Digital, Blu-ray DVD: • Ashton Kutcher is Steve Jobs, the iconic Apple innovator and groundbreaking entrepreneur. This inspiring and entertaining film chronicles Jobs' early days as a college dropout to his rise as the co-founder of Apple Computer Inc. and forced departure from the company. More than a decade later, Jobs returns and single-handedly sets a course that will turn the once-tiny startup into one of the world's most valuable companies. His epic journey blazes a trail that changes technology -- and the world -- forever. JOBS is a riveting story of a true American visionary, a man who let nothing stand in the way of greatness. Co-starring Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad, J. K. Simmons and Matthew Modine. • Sign-up to receive updates, sneak peeks and offers here: • The Universal Pictures All-Access channel is the place to be for all things about movies and behind-the-scenes. Subscribe to our channel to keep up on all the latest videos. Also, access hundreds of movies instantly. No planning, no waiting, no schedules. Buy or Rent hundreds of movies right now - right here on Youtube! • Subscribe to Our Channel: • • #MovieClips


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