Peacock Cichlid Aulonocara maylandi Sulphur Head Peacock
Aulonocara maylandi • Sulphurhead Peacock Cichlid • One of the most beautiful peacock cichlid. Males show a unique black body and yellow blaze from the nose to the dorsal fin which sets this species apart from other Aulonocara. • The sulphurhead peacock inhabits West Reef and Eccles Reef, close to Makanjila Point in the southeastern part of Lake Malawi. • Among the most peaceful and timid members of the genus, sulphurhead peacock is ideal for a species-specific set-up tank. • Reaching the maximum size of 10 cm (4 ), this peacock can be kept at 250 litre (70 gallon) tank. In the larger tank, it’s possible to maintain a colony with multiple males displaying full nuptial colour pattern. • In the aquarium, their diet should contain a variety of high quality pellets plus small live and/or frozen bloodworm and tubifex worm. • Music: 玉走 • URL: