Practical Tips for Insomnia ANXIETY RECOVERY
In this informative video, we delve into the link between anxiety and insomnia, discussing why people struggling with anxiety often experience sleep issues. • We talk about how sustained stress and heightened sensitivity of the nervous system, which triggers an increase in cortisol and adrenaline production, can affect one's sleep cycle. Shaan shares his personal struggles with insomnia, providing several tips to improve sleep during the anxiety recovery process, emphasizing the importance of removing pressure and understanding that sleep comes naturally when we let go. The video also introduces resources such as the Desensitization Blueprint—a tool to help desensitize your nervous system. Additional free resources are linked below, along with a link for a Mentorship application for those needing more guidance. • @00:00 Introduction to Anxiety and Insomnia: If you're struggling with panic attacks, if you're experiencing bizarre, mysterious physical symptoms that doctors can't figure out, if you're having scary, intrusive thoughts, you might even start feeling disconnected, where you might be feeling derealized or depersonalized. • @00:48 Understanding Anxiety and Its Impact on Sleep: In this video, I want to break down insomnia and how it applies to anxiety recovery. • @01:50 Exploring the Role of the Nervous System in Anxiety: One of the best resources... The best feedback we get is from the Desensitization Blueprint that helps you desensitize your nervous system. • @02:59 Personal Experience with Anxiety and Insomnia: Now, like I mentioned, I never really had a history of sleeping issues when I was growing up. • @03:41 The Science Behind Anxiety and Sleep Issues: One of the first things I want you to understand is that when your nervous system is sensitized, your body is producing natural cortisol. • @04:39 Experiencing Panic Attacks During Sleep: Now, if you were like me, I would wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack. • @05:13 Understanding the Role of Adrenaline in Panic Attacks: A lot of people think panic attacks only happen in situations where you get triggered, but when your nervous system is sensitized, believe it or not, your body is producing not only excess cortisol but also excess adrenaline. • @06:42 The Pressure of Insomnia and Anxiety: Principles when it comes to struggling with insomnia. • 208:08 Changing Your Perspective on Sleep: One of the first things I want you to understand is to take the pressure off. • @09:23 Understanding Sleep as a Process, Not a Goal: The second thing to understand is that sleep is not a goal. • @10:04 The Role of Sensitized Nervous System in Sleep Issues: And the third thing is to recognize that this is all a consequence of your nervous system becoming sensitized. • @10:58 Conclusion and Further Resources • ANXIETY RECOVERY DESENSITIZATION GUIDE ⬇️ • • To accelerate your recovery journey, book call to see if the mentorship with Shaan's team will help your specific situation: • • LINK TO FREE E-BOOK BELOW👇: • • JOIN MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR FREE 👇: / 360852324560171 • CHECK OUT RECOVERY STORIES FROM OTHERS HERE: •