आखिर क्यों डर गई Ganga Gangaa Full Ep 142 andtvchannel
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Full Episodes► • Gangaa | Hindi Show | Full Episodes |... • . Click Here to Subscribe Channel : http://bit.ly/SubscribeAndTv • Get notified about our Latest update by Clicking the Bell Icon 🔔 • Ganga's fear gripped her tightly as shadows danced around her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and alone. Niranjan, ever observant, sensed her unease and devised a plan to help her overcome it; he knew that a certain film could transform her perspective. As they settled down to watch the movie together, he reassured her with a warm smile, promising that laughter and courage awaited them on the screen. Slowly, Ganga’s apprehension began to fade, replaced by anticipation, as she realized that facing her fears could be as simple as sharing a moment of joy with someone who cared. • Show Name : Gangaa • Producer/Star Cast : Aditi Sharma,Vishal Vashishtha,Shakti Anand,Hiten Tejwani,Gungun Uprari,Raj Singh Verma,Sushmita Mukherjee • Episode No : 142 • #gangaa #andtv #hinditvserial #entertainment #aditiSharma #vishalvashishtha #shaktianand #hitentejwani #gungunuprari #rajsinghverma #sushmitamukherjee #fullepisode #serial #video #hinditvshow #trending #drama • About Gangaa : • __________________________ • Ganga is a Hindi drama television series starring Aditi Sharma, Vishal Vashishtha, Ruhana Khanna, Shakti Anand and Hiten Tejwani. The story revolves around Ganga, a small girl who gets married at a tender age and turns widow on the same day. As she grows up she becomes friends with Sagar and gradually their friendship turns into love. • Click here watch Webisode on YouTube ►PL_bx64ia-qJmlr03ASwvr6AaK0Ui9E_Lo • Click here watch Quick Recap on YouTube ►PL_bx64ia-qJm-NegXyYe3KDyhzH9ApwZC • Click here watch HIghlight on YouTube ►PL_bx64ia-qJmsxu76s7kgwQvpea4olz6i • Click here watch Week In Shorts on YouTube ►PL_bx64ia-qJkjJAxImUUNu6KoOpnBmwVs • • आखिर क्यों डर गई Ganga? | Gangaa | Full Ep 142 | @andtvchannel