ONE Alchemy Premier Draft BO1 7drop in an Aggro Deck
Phyrexia: All Will Be One (ONE) Alchemy draft on Magic Arena, BO1 (Premier Draft) • link of the draft and deck: • • Welcome to Phyrexia: All Will Be One draft with the Alchemy cards! Well, there are not a lot of them in the draft, only one card per pack. But almost all of them range from quite to very good, so they have an impact and therefore the experience is a little different from vanilla ONE draft. • I mostly publish Best-of-3 aka traditional drafts on this channel, but this format is only available as a BO1 premier draft, so that's what it's going to be then. And don't worry: If you aren't a fan of Alchemy, there will still be Traditional Drafts of the regular set publishing once every two days like usual, so in a sense this is just a bonus video. I hope you enjoy it! • Please consider subscribing if you like the video and would want to see more: • • There are no match-specific timestamps due to the event structure; they would spoil the outcome. • 00:00 Drafting • 16:38 Deck building • 24:10 The matches