Expiration Date Reanimated
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=wSEs8ZHYNUc
[UPDATE]: The KitaBisa campaign is over, thank you all for donating! Here's the update video • Update | Expiration Date: Reanimated • Recommended resolution to watch: 720p • You can make a change. $1 can feed someone, $4 can give a healthcare package to someone. Donate now (credit card methods are available for non-Indonesian residents) http://www.kitabisa.com/campaign/boxe... • PayPal: http://paypal.me/BoxesOHope • This video is not monetized by me, never will be. • Engineer Medic make an unsettling new discovery while experimenting with the teleporter. Meanwhile, Scout stops insulting Spy long enough to ask him an embarrassing favour; the Administrator’s clerical assistant/cleaner/murder expert Miss Pauling races to bury some incriminating bodies; Soldier makes a new metal friend. Without Soldier’s doings, whatever happened in Expiration Date wouldn’t have gone down that way. Rick May’s voice talent really shines in the Soldier character, giving all of us heaps of entertainment. Thank you, Rick May. • Since the passing of Soldier’s voice actor, Rick May, a lot of people felt shattered. It’s been known that Rick May was fighting cancer, but he fell to the novel coronavirus. A lot of other people aren’t taking this virus seriously; they make excuses, whine, joke, underestimate what this virus could actually do simply because they aren’t affected by it. Hopefully, with this passion project, we can spread awareness about this virus. • Participants • https://campsite.bio/expirationdate • Emergency Editor: / bryanyen11 • Soldier salute 1: / vaktelle • Soldier salute 2: https://www.twitter.com/royaluci?s=20 • Soldier salute 3: https://www.twitter.com/AvitalShtap?s=20 • Rick May drawings: https://www.twitter.com/DogishDan?s=20 , / some_ape , / miz_draws • Backups • Frilabird / @frilabird • pivotman https://www.steamcommunity.com/id/mas... • $py D / @spyd999 • PublicOak7 / publicoak7 • CarrieMeBags / teehee111 • blwbleb (Change da world meme) / blwbleb • Special Thanks • @kadassx_, @blwbleb, @dann.yol, @valartrion, Miss Amanda for being active supporters of this project • Agro Wiet from Kritzkast, for being great collaborators being cool people to chat with! • Boxes O’ Hope for being great collaborators friends • Retrospecter for the title card • @thunderspark15 for helping me edit the credits • @wallet.mp4 MintyT21 720p for helping me edit in general • @saragrosie for doing several backup scenes, as well as pivotman • NoteBlock in YouTube for allowing me to use the awesome Rocket Jump Waltz remix • gaming gang for being the best people I’ve met through this project • Felix for the Spanish subtitles • All project members that made it this far… You guys did so well! • Music • Intro: Pause Menu - Mysims Party DS • Pause Menu - MySims Party • Outro: Rocket Jump Waltz Team Fortress 2 Remix • Rocket Jump Waltz Team Fortress 2 R... • If you or someone you’re really close to is affected by this virus, we hope that you could keep your chin up keep fighting. Our thoughts prayers are directed towards all of you; this entire project is dedicated to all of you. • Rest easy, soldier. • In memory of Rick May.