We Should Never Celebrate Good Friday

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We Should Never Celebrate Good Friday, Why? Its a popular religious day isn't it? Yes! However, • Every year, billions rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Good Friday Easter Holiday. Yet most do not realize that the Bible tells a very another narrative than what is belted out from the pulpits. First and all, We are Not All Roman Citizens. As Melanin dominant People, so called Africans, Banhus/ Black or Negroes, we have our own culture. It is OUT of African religion, culture, philosophy, traditions, ideas, that the whole world, plagiarized what is now celebrated as Good Friday and the doctrines for removal of sin. it was all via the Jewish Jesus. This essence out of African animistic discovery coupled to ancestral veneration continues to be the spiritual aspect that dominate all world of religions and spirituality. here are some mind boggling questions about Good Friday; • -WHEN WAS THE CRUCIFIXION? • -WHERE DID EASTER COME FROM? • -DO WE HAVE OUR OWN DIVINE WAY THAT EXCLUDES US FROM CELEBRATING GOOD FRIDAY? • -THE ESSENCE OF GOOD FRIDAY CAN BE ENCAPSULED THIS WAY. • Biblical history proves that early first-century Church never observed Easter Sunday. Why? Because it was dominated by the Jewish fictional Jesus! Jewish- Christians continued to observe the Passover, Sabbath and Festivals. Remember for the first 300 years Christianity was a Jewish Sect. But even in its early development it was infiltrated by Greco-Roman agents! Eventually they swamped it and took it over, but not without a bitter overt and covert fight. It is this fighting that comes out when you realize that there are many strands of Jesus in the New testament. There is a Khamitic Jesus, a Jewish Jesus, a Greco Roman One and eventually a purely Roman Jesus. The Catholic Church fathers eventually succeeded in converting their brand of theology and Jesus into the center pin of modern Christianity and celebration of Good Friday. It was Hellenization at first ACTUALLY in earlier years 284 BCE and Romanization beginning at the Nicaea Church Synod in 325 AD. Today ALLMOST all CHRISTIANS are Catholics! Where, then, did Easter observance come from? There is no record of it in the Christian community. The very name Easter is derived from Ishtar or Astarte, names referring to the ancient Babylonian goddess who was worshiped as the mother of the sun god. Reminiscence of Khamitic Isisu and Ra Theology. Therefore there is an African connection that is missing in all the Easter Celebrations. Is Good Friday deceiving you? You may never know until and unless you research to find out. Faith, emotional charged sentiments and sorrowful Good Friday Music and Sermons will forever cloud the Truth. This video is very interesting if you decide to • Find out… • Share, Subscribe and Comment • Website-www.maarifado.com • Email: [email protected] • Facebook’ -  / khamithethics   • KhamiNetjerTopi,- 'first servant of god')


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