Should You Ignore Constipation Dr V Kavita


Constipation is a feeling of discomfort, bloating, and frustration in passing stools. It is characterised by infrequent bowel movements, typically fewer than three times per week. Constipation can be a sign of underlying issues in your digestive health. Firstly, constipation can lead to discomfort, making your daily life less enjoyable. It can affect your mood and even your productivity. Secondly, chronic constipation can cause a buildup of toxins in your body, affecting your overall well-being. Your body's detoxification process relies heavily on a smoothly functioning digestive system. Thirdly, recurring constipation might indicate an imbalance in your diet. You need to consume enough fiber, fluids, and nutrients. Ignoring this issue could lead to long-term health problems. And let's not forget, that constipation can be a symptom of more serious underlying health conditions. It's your body's way of telling you that something might be off. Making some simple lifestyle adjustments – like increasing your water intake and fibre-rich foods can help. If constipation persists, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help determine the root cause and recommend appropriate treatments or interventions. Remember, your body is sending you signals for a reason. Ignoring constipation could mean overlooking a crucial aspect of your health. • Time stamp ⏰ • 0:25 – What is constipation? • 0:56 – What constipation indicates? • 1:11 – What happens when you ignore it? • 2:01 – Improve your condition • 2:31 – Book a test • Read Our Blogs Here 👇👇 • · Improve Your Well-being with These Essential High-Fibre Foods • · Relief from Hemorrhoids: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment • · What is Blood in Stool: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment • · What is Appendicitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment • Check Out Related Videos Here 👇👇 • · Fecal Calprotectin Test | Simple, Non-invasive, Reliable Biomarker during COVID-19 Pandemic    • Fecal Calprotectin Test | Simple, Non...   • About Metropolis: • Metropolis Healthcare is one of the leading diagnostic service providers in India that provides quality and accurate reports from our NABL and CAP-accredited labs and is trusted by leading doctors and hospitals. You can visit our nearest Metropolis lab to give your blood sample or opt for blood collection at home service to get all the benefits of diagnostic centre and pathology labs in the comfort of your home. With a certified team of 200 senior pathologists and over 2000 technicians, we provide diagnostic services ranging from routine, semi-specialty and super-specialty tests like Oncology, Neurology, Gynecology, Nephrology to complete health check-up packages for men, women, senior citizens, youth corporates. • For more updates follow us on: • Instagram-   / metropolis_.  . • Facebook -   / metropolislab   • Twitter -   / tweet   • LinkedIn -   / 2363.  . • YouTube - / @metropolishealth... • WhatsApp - 8422-801-801 • Download App Now - Metropolis HealthCare • Playstore - • App Store - • To book a test, Call or WhatsApp ‘Hi’ to call 8422-801-801 or visit • How do you cure constipation fast? What treats constipation? How can I cure constipation naturally? What causes constipation? What happens if constipation goes untreated? How long can you ignore constipation? What happens if you don't relieve constipation? Should I keep eating if constipated? • #ConstipationInsights #MetropolisHealthcare #HealthPriority #ListenToYourBody #DigestiveHealth #WellnessJourney #HealthSignals #PrioritizeHealth #ConstipationAwareness #ExpertHealthAdvice #StrongerTogether #MetropolisLabs #HealthyChoices #BodyHealth #HealthyHabits


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