Daria Kulesh Lully Lullay official music video
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=wUPGgNzBx_I
https://dariakulesh.bandcamp.com/albu... • Orthodox Christmas Eve – January the 6th, 2023 – saw the digital release of Daria Kulesh’s new EP entitled EVE. Celebrated in both Russia and Ukraine (*update: no longer in Ukraine after the date was changed in 2024), Christmas Eve, also known as Sochelnik, is a pagan-rooted mystical night not unlike All Hallows’ Eve when magic spells – and curses – are believed to be at their most potent. It is the night of women, engaging in strange and dangerous rituals to reveal their future and perhaps even bend and shape their fate. The EP is the cry of a woman, a mother, echoing Eve herself – the mother of us all who remembers a world free from violence. EVE cries out…STOP THE WAR! • The centrepiece of the EP is Lully Lullay – a dark lullaby, a contemporary reworking of the haunting Coventry Carol. An irresistible, if bleak, melody, in stark contrast to the jolly festive fare, it refers to King Herod’s Massacre of the Innocents. Initially, Daria’s theme was the rollercoaster of motherhood, the senseless suffering of baby loss: “not some mad king in his raging / just random chance to blame” and a mother’s all-consuming need to preserve her child. Full of fear, anxiety and overwhelming love, it’s a ‘spell song’ of protection. Who would have thought that in 2022, the war in Ukraine would add an even more poignant edge to the song as mothers are robbed of their children in both Ukraine and Daria’s home country, Russia. As more senseless wars erupt, the circle seems never-ending... • Люли-люли • (грубый дословный перевод с английского) • Припев: Люли-люли, (мое) крохотное дитя, • Люли-люли... • Ты так дорог(а) небесам и так любим(а), • Что зло обойдет тебя стороной. • Ничто не преградит твой путь, мое крохотное дитя, • Спи сладко, ничего не бойся. • Ты будешь сладко спать, но матери будут оплакивать • тех, кого мы не смогли удержать. • Так больно, мое крохотное дитя, • от того, что жизнь может не стоить ни гроша. • Нерожденные дети • И сломленные матери - • Такова человеческая доля. • Не нужен безумный царь, одержимый гневом, • Достаточно слепой случайности. • Ты так дорог(а) небесам и так любим(а), • Что зло обойдет тебя стороной. • Ничто не преградит твой путь, мое крохотное дитя, • Спи сладко, ничего не бойся. • *** • Jason Emberton - production, mixing, mastering; drums, bass, piano, keyboards, synth, strings • Katrina Davies - violin • Odette Michell - backing vocals • Daria Kulesh - vocals, guitar • Dancer - Thea Kallhed Möller • Video by Minus Tone • All rights reserved.

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