How to checkmate with a Rook and King King and Rook Endgame checkmate
The king and rook endgame is one of the common endgames that every chess player should know. From beginner, intermediate, to grandmaster, this is a crucial chess endgame to understand. There are some tricky chess concepts like waiting moves and stalemate that you need to be aware of, and in this video I will show you everything. The beauty of chess endgames, is if you learn them properly, they can seal the victory in your chess games. This is especially true for the checkmate endgames, such as King and Rook and King and Queen endgames. However, new chess players fail to understand the strategy behind these, it can cost you a win if you end up with a stalemate. This is the second video in my chess endgame course. • HERE ARE PLACES TO PRACTICE THE KING AND ROOK CHECKMATE: • • OR • • ADD ME AS A FRIEND ON CHESS.COM: •