THE MEDIEVAL SADNESS Original Tzimisce Clan song
Возлюбленному Клану Драконов посвящается. • Dedicated to The beloved Clan of Dragons. • Malkinira is an original musical passion-project inspired by World of Darkness for die hard fans of the setting Vampire the Masquerade. • The song The Medieval Sadness was inspired by the Clan of Voivodes. • lyrics by Malkinira • Music by Malkinira Oleg Markelov • Lyrics: • Dependence on our progeny - became our fall. • They'll never understand the nature of a change. • The way of comprehension’s lying through your soul. • Just listen what I'll say you young-one from my advanced age. • At first you need to choose, • What you'll do with your blood. • To follow it or lead - that will reflect your state. • Than you’ll select the path, • Which will help hold your beast • Don't stop, avoid your wrath, • Beware, abstain the feast. • The darkness of the age ensured our might, • But nourished our rage and twisted our minds. • It is too late for us to fix our past mistakes, • Our greatest clan is ruined - destroyed by ourselves! • Our wisdom's covered by the dust of centuries. • Devoured from inside, distorted hungry fiends - • We yearn to feel again Carpathian mighty winds. • Fall on our land like rain, meet moonrise in the fields. • The darkness of the age ensured our might, • But nourished our rage and twisted our minds. • It is too late for us to fix our past mistakes, • Our greatest clan is ruined - destroyed by ourselves! • Like dragons trying to collect and keep our riches oooh • Don't even try to steal, we guard jealously. • And when you’ll meet one of us just treat carefully, my friend. • One wrong step or suspicious phrase and you'll become the threat. • The darkness of the age ensured our might, • But nourished our rage and twisted our minds. • But we don't feel our state is problem or despair. • We can change anything! Even you if you are not scared. • My dear friend, thank you for watching. If you like my art, you can help me make it much better. • • #Malkinira #Tzimisce #Dragons #Fiends #Voivodes #TheOldClan #Vicissitude #SlaVIC #VtM #WoD #V5 #vampire #Vampire_the_Masquerade #clan #changes #blood #passion #bloodlines #night #bloodlines2