STORYTELLING ON ANOTHER LEVEL Ranking of Kings Episode 1819 Reaction
Watch our reaction now to Ranking of Kings Episode 18 Battle with the Gods and Episode 19 The Last Bastion • Join our Patreon Community and see more reactions! / struckbybelz • • Twitter: / struckbybelz • • Instagram: / struckbybelz • • Merch: • Intro Music: • VIVID VICE - Jujutsu Kaisen (Opening ... • Next Episode: 20 Immortal vs. Invincible • You can find this video as Ousama Ranking Episode 18 19 Ep 18 19 • Bojji, a deaf, powerless prince who cannot even wield a children's sword. As the firstborn son, he strives hard and dreams of becoming the world's greatest king. However, people mutter about him behind his back as a good-for-nothing prince and no way he can be king. Bojji is able to make his first ever friend, Kage (shadow) - a literal shadow on the ground who somehow understands Bojji well. (Kage is a survivor of the Kage assassin clan that was all but wiped out. No longer a killer, Kage now makes ends meet by stealing.) The story follows Bojji's coming-of-age as he meets various people in his life, starting with his fateful encounter with Kage. • #StruckByBelz #RankingOfKings #Reaction #Anime #OusamaRanking