Most MYSTERIOUS Winter Dwelling Beasts From Folklore


Check out the Most MYSTERIOUS Winter Dwelling Beasts From Folklore! This top 10 list of mythological creatures from greek, slavic and other mythology has some of the most bizarre mythical animals ever! • Subscribe For New Videos! • Watch our REAL Mermaid Sightings Around The World! video here:    • REAL Mermaid Sightings Around The World!   • Watch our 10 Sea Monsters ATTACKING A Boat! video here:    • 10 Sea Monsters ATTACKING A Boat!   • Watch our STRANGEST Animals People Keep As Pets! video here:    • STRANGEST Animals People Keep As Pets!   • 11. Nuckelavee • The Nuckelavee comes from ancient Scottish folklore and, for those who lived on the Orkney islands to the north of Scotland, it was a feared beast. The creature was thought to be one of pure evil, whose sole intent was to strike terror into the minds of the Islanders. According to the old Orcadians, the only thing capable of keeping the Nuckelavee’s power in check was the ocean. • 10. Chenoo • The Chenoo, also known as the Kiwakwa or the Apotamkin, is a beast from the folklore of Northern America, around the region of Maine. The names given by the original tribes of the region translate to mean ‘walks about the woods', and it's one of the earliest notions of a Bigfoot-like creature. • 9. Tornit • The Tornit comes from Inuit mythology. According to the stories, the Inuits weren’t the first to inhabit the frozen lands of the north, and they encroached upon the lands of the Tornits. They were a race of very large people who became extremely angry and tore up the ground with their lances and spears. • 8. Yuki Jiji • This creature is native to Japan, specifically, the village of Hishiyama in the Niigata prefecture. Here the locals tell the story of Yuki Jiji, which means the old man of the snow. Every year, around March time, the village is beset by an avalanche from the mountains. • 7. Qiqirn • The Qiqirn is another winter dwelling beast from Inuit mythology and one that terrifies people just from its mere mention. Described as a skittish and foolish beast, it's a bald dog spirit- with many legs, and thick tufts of hair only across its feet, ears, mouth, and the tip of its tail. • 6. Mahaha • Another demon that the Inuits believed existed in the Arctic, and terrorized all it encountered, is the Mahaha. It was said to be thin and sinewy, ice blue in color, and with a body that could freeze anything it touched. This creature's eyes are a bright white and pierce through the scraggly hair that covers its face. • 5. Kallikantzaroi • The ancient Greeks told legends of countless creatures, but there's one, in particular, you may not have heard of, and it’s arguably the most mischievous. Known as the Kallikantzaroi, these small, black, blind, goblins live in the center of the earth where, for most of the year, they try to chop down the tree of life that holds the world in position. • 4. Barbegazi • The Barbegazi live in the mountainous regions of France and Switzerland and, unlike most other creatures, these gnomes hibernate during the summer and only emerge once it’s snowing outside. They are much shorter than humans, have pointed ears, ice blue eyes, and their hair is covered in icicles that shimmer in the light. • 3. Yuki-Onna • Yuki-Onna is the most well known of Japanese wintery beings, with her name literally meaning “the snow woman”. She is said to live in snowy mountain regions, where she feeds off human life for her energy and food- mainly preying on lost travelers. • 2. Ijiraat • The ijiraat is found in Inuit mythology, but it’s one that shows up, in one form or another, in mythology around the world- the shapeshifter. Known as the Ijiraat, they are land spirits, and able to take on the form of any arctic animal in order to disguise themselves. • 1. Yeti • Also known as the “abominable snowman”, this creature comes from the folklore of Nepal. It is a tall, ape-like creature that walks on two legs but is bigger than a human and covered in shaggy fur. Most of the time, the Yeti is a scary beast and tales cautioned people to stay close to their village or town. They are said to live at a high altitude in the Himalayas and many people claim to have seen their footprints in the snow. • Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!


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