Seven WONDERS of Sweden From the South to the Arctic Circle
You've heard about the Seven Wonders of the World, but have you heard of the Seven Wonders of Sweden? • In 2007 more than 80 000 people participated in a poll issued by the biggest newspaper in Sweden, Aftonbladet, to decide the Seven Wonders of Sweden. They chose between entries ranging from ancient pre-Viking age monuments, to modern concrete marvels. • I travelled through Sweden, from the very southern tip to the cold Arctic Circle, to visit all of these wonders. Come along on a journey longer than 1 800 km! • The Seven Wonders are, in no particular order: • Öresundsbron (The Öresund Bridge) • Turning Torso • Visby ringmur (Visby City Wall) • Göta Kanal (Göta Canal) • Globen (The Globe Arena) • Regalskeppet Vasa (The Warship Vasa) • Ishotellet i Jukkasjärvi (The Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi) • For more adventures every week, subscribe to the channel: • • Facebook: / threestarvagabond • Twitter: / vagabonddeluxe • Instagram: / threestarvagabond • #sevenwonders #sweden #architecture