GH Luke and Laura 19791980 playlist p 330


Part 330 of L L 79-80 playlist. 1980 (LO) • Luke visits Hutch... Laura visits Hutch.. Hutch thinks they are still together and Luke kind of plays along. Laura tries to talk to Luke about what Edward asked of her. • • • Text comments always GREATLY appreciated. I love to discuss the story. Makes all the sharing worth it for me. Please I understand everyone's frustration... but there are plenty of other message boards to vent on. Please do not say anything negative about a real human being. (Say what you will about characters.) I will delete any comment that is mean spirited, regardless of who they are about. Hope you understand. • • Please pardon any problems with video quality. Original source is old VHS. • • This will be easier to follow from the L L 79-80 playlist (parts 1-200) here: Parts 201+ here: (had to start a new playlist to continue .. just found out they only can go up to 200 videos.) • • All clips owned, property of ABC, GH, Soapnet.


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