LEGO Island OST Restored Brick By Brick
Download the original uncompressed file here: • Compiled from a few different cassette transfers directly from the archive of Lorin Swelk here is the completely restored Brick By Brick originally made for LEGO Island by Kathleen Enright and Henry Salvia and uploaded with their permission. • The custom album art was made by ProfessorBrickkeeper who is part of the Project Island team along with myself. The team are in the process of making an all new game and we have been lucky enough to be provided with tape transfers of almost all of the music originally made for LEGO Island which the masters of unfortunately were lost in a houseboat that sank. • Using as many duplicate transfers as I could I rebuilt this track using sections where tape damage wasn't present to repair damage that was present in the main transfer used, this included drop outs where for a split second the audio would go quiet.