Another Gospel IV DOCTRINA
This teaching session examines the foundational elements of biblical doctrine (Latin: doctrina - teaching/learning), distinguishing authentic scriptural teaching from man-made religious traditions. Through careful exposition of both Old and New Testament principles, the teaching establishes how true doctrine must align with the entire counsel of Scripture while remaining centered on Christ's finished work, rather than human preferences or regional customs. This comprehensive exposition helps believers understand how to discern genuine biblical doctrine from cultural or personal additions to God's Word. • • Key Points: • 1. The 7 Foundations of True Doctrine: • Must be prophesied in the Old Testament • Witnessed in Gospel accounts • Expounded in apostolic writings • Incorporates the whole counsel of God • Based on exegesis not eisigesis • Congruent with ecclesial and historical context • Rooted in the congruence, consistency, and coherence of all scripture found in Christ • 2. The Three Essentials in Belief: • Scriptural Reference: John 3:16, John 17:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 6:28-29 AMP • 3 things to believe: Believe in God's love. Believe in Christ's finished work. Believe in reconciliation with God. • 3 ways to believe: Trust in (The Love of the Father), Rely on (The Finished Work of the Son), Adhere to (The Leadership of the Holy Spirit) • 3 things the gospel must focus on: The love of the Father. The finished work of Christ. The intimate fellowship of the Holy Spirit. • 3. Scripture's Complete Sufficiency: Scripture alone provides complete guidance for faith and practice. • Scriptural Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3-4 • Greek: θεόπνευστος (theopneustos) - All Scripture is God-breathed • Thoroughly equips for every good work • No need for extra-biblical additions • God's Word is enough. Be very careful of pastors, preachers, people in your ears who tell you that you have to go out of God's Word to add to find enough for yourself. • 4. Freedom from Law-Based Religion: All true doctrine must center on Christ's person and work alone. • Scriptural Reference: 1 Timothy 1:3-11, Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Corinthians 5:21 • Greek: Christos (anointed one) as central focus • Christ fulfilled Mosaic rituals • Law is not for the righteous • Greek: χάρις (charis) - Grace-based relationship vs. performance • The gospel is a person. The gospel is about a person and what he's done. Him we preach... If you have to add oil, if you have to add fasting, if you have to add powerful seed... that means the Son given or the finished work was not enough. • 5. Universal Application of Doctrine: Authentic doctrine emphasizes grace over performance. • Scriptural Reference: Acts 20:25-30, 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 • Must be consistent across all believers • Not subject to regional/cultural modifications • Rooted in Christ's finished work • Doctrine cannot be tailored to fit regions of the world or classes of people. Doctrine must be universal across the ecclesia • Declaration: • I stand firm in the sufficiency of God's Word for my life and godliness. • I embrace the finished work of Christ as my complete salvation. • I walk in the freedom of grace, not the bondage of religious performance. • I receive my identity through Christ's completed work, not human tradition. • I rest in God's love as the foundation of my relationship with Him. • I reject extra-biblical additions to God's perfect Word. • I live by the Spirit's leadership, not religious regulations. • I embrace the universal truth of Scripture above cultural traditions. • I stand complete in Christ's righteousness alone. • I walk in the liberty of New Covenant grace. • I affirm the supremacy of Christ above religious customs. • I declare my freedom from performance-based religion through Christ's finished work.