Geometry Dash Conical Depression Verified Live
Finally! This is likely my hardest level, not only that I've created or verified, but possibly beaten in general. Took me a lot of time to verify (and to make, believe it or not) and I'm glad it's finally done, even if after a few slight nerfs and buffs. RobTop said he would rate it (and if he doesn't the complaints will be his problem loool), so hopefully we'll see this on the list soon. I don't actually know how hard of a level I'd compare this to, so just make your own conjecture. • ID: 17711004 • Credit to jellorain for the thumbnail :^) • Twitch: • / krmal • Twitter: • / krazyman50 • Discord: • / discord • Instagram: • / krma.l • Merch: • • Geometry Dash on Steam: •