How to play Rummikub for beginners
In this video we show you everything you need to know to play the classic game. • 00:25 What do you need for a game of Rummikub? • 01:04 What is a run • 02:07 What is a group • 02:29 Rules for the Joker • 03:33 How to start the game • 04:06 3 Steps when it is your turn • 04:53 Work with a timer • The first player to play all the tiles on the table is the winner! • Explanation of combinations and tiles in Rummikub • A consecutive combination of the same color, for example 1-2-3-4-5-6 of blue. This is called a run. • A combination of the same numbers, for example, 12-12-12 of 3 different colors. This is a group. • A combination always consists of at least 3 tiles. • The joker may be played for any number and or color. Once the joker is played on the table it must stay there. If you have the number that the joker is substituted for, you may swap, but it must be played on the table immediately afterwards for any tile. • A combination is a minimum of 3 tiles. If there is a run 1-2-3-4-5-6 from blue and you have a blue 3, you may split. So 1-2-3 and 3-4-5-6. • -You may also remove combinations and loose stones completely, but stones left on the table must be added to existing or newly formed combinations on the table. • The official rules of Rummikub • Shuffle the stones by shuffling them upside down on the table. • Each player is allowed 14 tiles. Take the tiles 2-3 at a time and then the next player can take them. • If you want to start for the first time, you must do so with a combination of at least 30 points. This is also possible with 2 combinations that together amount to 30 points. You can then also add to other combinations on the table. If you use a joker, the number for which the joker is used applies. • After you have played a combination on the table, this also offers more options for the other players. Everyone can work on all combinations. • If you cannot place a tile or combination, your turn is over and you must take a stone.