Successfully Transplanted A Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum
I believe that i have successfully transplanted a MAYAPPLE! i can't wait to track the progress of this wonderful plant! • Mayapples are woodland plants, typically growing in colonies derived from a single root. The stems grow to 30–40 cm tall, with palmately lobed umbrella-like leaves up to 20–40 cm diameter with 3–9 shallowly to deeply cut lobes. The plants produce several stems from a creeping underground rhizome; some stems bear a single leaf and do not produce any flower or fruit, while flowering stems produce a pair or more leaves with 1–8 flowers in the axil between the apical leaves. The flowers are white, yellow or red, 2–6 cm diameter with 6–9 petals, and mature into a green, yellow or red fleshy fruit 2–5 cm long • SUBSCRIBE HERE - • Please Feel Free To Shop Amazon For All Of Your Gardening Needs To Help Support This Channel Through Our Affiliate Link! It would be so greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide you with awesome gardening content on this channel. • SHOP HERE! - • Thank you all so much for watching, be sure to stick around for more great GARDENING ADVENTURES!