NCIS 19x04 2 Gibbs and McGee goodbye ending scene
NCIS season 19 episode 4 Great Wide Open • McGee and Gibbs are fishing in Alasca * Gibbs opening up and talking about his father and being thankful for their time together * back in DC Vance informs the team that Parker and the FBI are letting Gibbs go * Gibbs doesn’t want to come back * Torres and Knight are stunned * Gibbs tells McGee that he won’t be coming back to DC * he is okay and feels peaceful for the first time in a long time * emotional goodbye • watch all NCIS season 19 clips here • • NCIS Season 19 • watch all NCIS season 18 Jimmy and Jess moments here • • NCIS Season 18 and 19 * Palmer and Kn... • #ncis #navycis #cbs #seanmurray #timmcgee #wilmervalderrama #nicktorres #katrinalaw #jessicaknight #markharmon #leroygibbs • all rights belong to CBS