No DNA does not prove the Book of Mormon False
Some anti-mormons say that DNA proves the Book of Mormon False, but that thinking is anti science. • • Post-Columbian European mixture in Native American samples: Many Native American samples have some amount of post-Columbian European mixture, which could confound putative evidence in support of pre-Columbian origins. Researchers often ignore any non-Asian DNA as definitively post-Columbian. • • Difficulty assigning European or African lineages to the pre-Columbian era: The generalized view among population geneticists is that after the initial arrival of Paleo-Indians toward the end of the Last Ice Age, no other migrations took place until 1492. If any DNA is found that does not fit with the classic Native American genetic types, the common consensus is to automatically assign such DNA to post-Columbian migrations of European or African migrants. However, there are few tools available to test the assumptions underlying this assignment. • • Limited tools to isolate recent migrations: It is difficult to use DNA to isolate a migration by a small group to the Americas in the recent past. This difficulty arises because Native American lineages that have been separated long enough from Asian lineages to develop their own set of unique mutational motifs are classified as Native American. If a modern Asian lineage were found in the Americas, it would most likely be assigned to a post-Columbian arrival. • • The “molecular clock” used to determine the age of lineages: The molecular clock is a technique that uses the mutation rate of DNA to estimate the time that has elapsed since two lineages diverged. However, the molecular clock is not perfect, and there is some uncertainty in the dates that it produces. • • Limited sampling: Inadequate sampling of Native American populations can lead to an incomplete understanding of the distribution and frequency of genetic variants. This limitation makes it challenging to draw definitive conclusions about the origins and relationships of different groups. • • Inadequate representation of population groups in studies: Current studies often rely on contemporary allele frequencies from a limited number of individuals, which may not accurately represent the genetic diversity of the entire group, both presently and prehistorically. • • Need to design a study for the specific purpose of testing the Book of Mormon: The sources argue that applying the results of population genetic studies, which were not intended to test the historicity of the Book of Mormon, is not an effective way to determine the lineages of the populations described in the book. A dedicated research program designed specifically for this purpose is needed. • • Lack of a unique Middle Eastern genetic signature in the source population: To trace a Middle Eastern genetic signature in the Americas, evidence would need to exist demonstrating that such a unique signature existed in the source population and that it was carried by the colonizers. However, the more a population migrates, the smaller the probability that a unique, discrete genetic marker exists for that group. • The sources discuss bottlenecking, genetic drift, and founder effect as complicating factors that could have affected the genetic makeup of Native American populations, making it challenging to trace specific lineages: • • Population Bottleneck: A population bottleneck occurs when the size of a population is drastically reduced, leading to a loss of genetic diversity. The European conquest, coupled with disease outbreaks and other factors, caused a significant reduction in the indigenous population of the Americas. This bottleneck likely had a profound impact on the genetic makeup of surviving populations. • • Genetic Drift: Genetic drift is the random fluctuation of gene frequencies within a population. It is more pronounced in smaller populations, where the loss or fixation of certain alleles can occur more rapidly. The small founding populations of migrants to the Americas would have been particularly susceptible to genetic drift. • • Founder Effect: The founder effect is a specific type of population bottleneck that occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population. This new population will have a limited subset of the genetic diversity present in the original population. The sources propose that the founder effect may explain the low blood group diversity observed in Native Americans, where blood type O is almost exclusive, unlike other world populations. • • #bookofmormon #lds #DNA