16 “After The End of The Marx Brothers”
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Though the Marx Brothers stopped performing together after 1949’s “Love Happy”, that didn’t stop the constant stories, rumors and false starts of future projects. This month we take a look at the Marxes’ 1950s post-career, which included a few moments when they did reunite. Bob comes up with a unique (and probably stupid) theory about “The Incredible Jewel Robbery”, while Matthew admits to a Marx appearance that he can’t be bothered to watch. Later, we are joined by “Marx and Re-Marx” author Andrew T. Smith for a closer look at the aborted “Deputy Seraph” project. • -Visit our blog at: https://www.marxbrotherscouncilpodcas... • -Follow us on Twitter for the latest podcast info: @MarxBrosPodcast • -Join 'The Marx Brothers Council' Facebook group at: / 1389369721281242