Has Pakistan Learned any Lessons from 1971
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Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy is arguably the most prominent intellectual in Pakistan. He was educated at MIT. • Farnood Alam is an Islamabad-based columnist, intellectual and human rights activist. • Sajjad Azhar is a well-known journalist, author, and researcher. • **************************************************** • Shakil Chaudhary is an Islamabad-based journalist, author and researcher. He is an alumnus of Government College, Lahore. Subsequently, he studied international relations at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad and media at the London School of Economics. He has worked for several English-language newspapers. • He has written a critically acclaimed bilingual book, Handbook of Functional English (Ferozsons), to help those who wish to improve their English skills. Prof. Tariq Rahman, one of the finest linguistic scholars in South Asia, has praised it in these words: “This book is an excellent guide for the South Asian user of the English language. It gives examples of both the British and American varieties of English and provides guidelines to avoid the common errors of most Pakistanis when they write and speak English. It is also a comprehensive guide for pronunciation, vocabulary, editing and all other aspects of English usage. It has been written with great care and attention. I recommend it to students, editors, writers and other users of English in Pakistan.” • Shakil has conducted many workshops on communication, writing and critical thinking skills. He is a former president of the Progressive Writers Association, Islamabad (2021-2022). • If you want to see his most popular videos, here are the links to them. • • Why didn't Jinnah implement Islam in ... • • Prof. Hoodbhoy: Pakistan is not a nor... • • Shahid Siddiqui: The partition ruined... • • Muslims started the 1947 riots • You’re welcome to follow him on Facebook and Twitter. • / shakil.chaudary • / shakchaudhary • • The Critical Patriot, Pakistan podcast, Pakistan economy, Pakistan Army, Pakistan military, Pakistani reaction, Pakistan IMF, Hindu Rashtra, Hindutva, Two-nation theory, India-Pakistan relations, Kashmir issue, Junagadh, Jinnah, Hindu-Muslim relations, Peace in South Asia, Indian minorities, Pakistan’s default, RSS, BJP