Demons Are Black Holes Satan’s Playground FREE DOWNLOAD
FREE DOWNLOAD: / demons-are-black-holes-satans-playground-f... • Demons Are Black Hole is an occult dark minimal techno project with elements of deep, dark dub and psychedelic deep tech. The project, created in 2013 as an alias by Serbian producer Marko Markovic (aka “Omid Mosayebi cyr. Омид МаЗајеби”), explores themes such as occultism, magic, psychedelic drugs, extraterrestrial phenomena, and space mysteries. Marko, born in 1999 in Loznica, draws inspiration from his involvement in occultism and experiences with psychedelic drugs, aiming to represent a hypnotically dark sound. Beside his other projects like Dubrano, Dubishi, Deep Du8, Picasso Groove, Azimetruum, and Varna Sankara, Demons Are Black Hole stands out as a manifestation of Marko's fascination with exploring how Demons and other invincible evil interdimensional beings influence human experiences and the mysteries of occult and deep space phenomena. • • • • • #minimal #deeptech #psychedelic #minimaltechno #deepminimal #darkminimal #futuristic #sounddesign #cosmicvibes #spacetravel #trippy #2CBtrip #auditoryjourney #fractalvisuals #serbia #honduras #synesthesia #musicalodyssey #420music #ElectronicMusic #Techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #deeptech #ElectronicMusic #Techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #DeepTech • #blackholes #space • #ElectronicMusic #techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #deeptechhouse • #ketaminetherapy #mdma #lsd #dmt #ketamine #shrooms #psilocybin • • • • #minimal #deeptech #psychedelic #minimaltechno #deepminimal #darkminimal #futuristic #sounddesign #cosmicvibes #spacetravel #trippy #2CBtrip #auditoryjourney #fractalvisuals #serbia #honduras #synesthesia #musicalodyssey #420music #ElectronicMusic #Techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #deeptech #ElectronicMusic #Techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #DeepTech • #blackholes #space • #ElectronicMusic #techno #MinimalTechno #PsychedelicMusic #OccultMusic #DarkTechno #PsychedelicTechno #darkminimaltechno #ElectronicBeats #UndergroundMusic #Occultism #Psychonaut #TrippyMusic #MusicDiscovery #SoundtrackMusic #deeptechhouse • #ketaminetherapy #mdma #lsd #dmt #ketamine #shrooms #psilocybin