Refining Albion online beginners guide Wood log into plank
Albion online is a sandbox MMORPG game. • Refining is the process by which players can turn materials gained from Gathering into usable items for Crafting. • To refine gathered resources, the player must travel to refining buildings that can be located in Faction Cities or built on Islands. • The refining process costs silver (except when refining tier 2 resources) and the player can use Focus to increase the resource return rate. • Players can unlock the refining subtree by first unlocking the Journeyman Refiner node on the Destiny Board. Journeyman Refiner is unlocked through Trainee Craftsman. • Follow me on instagram • / kavish6255 • #albiononline #albiononlinerefining #androidgame #pcgame #albiononlinesilver #albiononlinegathering #pubg #AndroRPG #mmorpg