Scriabins Prometheus arr by L Sabaneev 2 pianos
スクリアビン交響曲第5番「プトメテウス - 火の詩」 • (ピアノ2台版/サバネーエフ編曲) • MICHAEL NANASAKOV • • Prometheus, Le Divin Poéme • Scriabin = Savaneev, Konyus / JNCD-1017 • It is rare to have a recording of Symphony Symphony No.5 Prometheus (2 pianos / 4 hands) arranged by L. Sabaneev even though they are extremely useful in understanding orchestral performance. Virtual Pianist Nanasakov's multiple recording with Piano 1 and Piano 2 being recorded separately before being mixed. Virtual Pianist Nanasakov's attempt is a hall recording using a computer and a Player Piano that finally took place after staggeringly lengthy repetitions of trial and error. • ●Apple Music • / album • MICHAEL NANASAKOV • • #Scriabin's #Prometheus