My First Custom Keyboard RKG68 Build
After 7 years of using the same keyboard, I finally decided to build my first custom keyboard using the Royal Kludge RK-G68 as the base. • Leading up to this build, I watched several tutorial videos from popular keyboard youtubers. It helped me out immensely! • @hamajineo Holee Mod Guide: • Holee Mod Tutorial - The ULTIMATE Sta... • @TaehaTypes Lubing Guide: • How to Lube and Tune Stabilizers • The process that was most impactful was definitely taking time to clip and lube the stabilizers. It makes a huge difference to the overall feeling of the board. Lubing the switches was definitely the most labourious and time consuming. • The Royal Kludge RK-G68 keyboard is a very budget friendly board that doesn't break the bank. It is a hot swappable, 68-key compact layout board with wireless and bluetooth modes. • One thing to note is that on my 2021 model, there are no USB passthroughs on the back of the board, and out of the box, the wireless mode works well with all keys functioning as they should (I am using a windows PC) • The only downside of the board is that there is no low battery indicator and when plugged in and charging, there is a solid red light underneath the spacebar. • Overall, as someone who doesn't really have much knowledge about custom keyboards, I couldn't be more happy with my first undertaking. The typing sounds infinitely better than my old keyboard, however it will take some time to get used to the feeling of linear switches. • Will this be my endgame board? Most likely not. But I will definitely get many solid years out of it! • Timestamps: • 0:00 Intro • 0:20 Typing comparison Ducky vs. Stock RK-G68 • 1:13 Removing stabilizers • 1:31 Removing top plate/PCB • 1:44 Sound dampening the base/ reassembly • 2:10 Stabilizer Section • 3:33 Switch Section • 5:09 Final touches • 5:24 Typing comparison Ducky vs Modified RK-G68 • • If you enjoyed please consider giving a like, comment, and subscribe! • #thocc #customkeyboard #royalkludge