Cardinal Tetra Care Tips
Cardinal Tetra Care Tips: • Tank Size: The minimum tank size suitable for the Cardinal Tetras is 10 gallons. • Tank Setup: The Cardinal Tetras like a densely planted tank with lots of hiding spaces for them to feel secure in the tank. • Water Temperature: The ideal water temperature suitable for the Cardinal Tetras is between 73 to 81 F (23 to 27 C). • Water pH Level: The ideal pH range suitable for the Cardinal Tetras is between 5.5 to 7.5. • Water Filtration: In the wild the Cardinal Tetras are found in stagnant waters with little to no movement. A filter which creates little water movement is advisable. • Food: The Cardinal Tetras are omnivores and will eat all kinds of aquarium fish food like brine shrimp, freeze-dried bloodworms, daphnia, pellets, flakes etc. • Tankmates: The Cardinal Tetras are a peaceful fish and should be kept along with other fish of similar temperament. • Number of Fish: The Cardinal Tetras should be kept in a school of 6 or more. • • • References: • • •