Genghis Khan First Biological Weapon in History shorts
Did you know that Genghis Khan used the first biological weapon in history? • In 1346, during the siege of Caffa, a Genoese trade center on the Crimean Peninsula, he came up with an idea. Instead of using traditional weapons like swords or arrows, he decided to use the bodies of his own warriors who had died of plague. These bodies were loaded onto catapults, and hurled over the walls into the besieged city. This gruesome tactic introduced the deadly disease into Caffa, causing an epidemic among its inhabitants. As a result of this tactic, the castle could not resist any longer and surrendered. • If you are curious about the history of the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, and many other Empires and Kingdoms, you are in the right place! • I will be here every week with new history documentaries. • Take your place in the front row. • • #history