Why Your Sewing Machine Thread is Bunching 😅TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=x1HFTEIiqPY
Having trouble with your machine and don't know why? your thread is bunching up? Or why your thread keeps breaking? or maybe you have no idea what's going on. • Well, the troubleshooting hotline is here to help! Okay, jk.. there is no hotline, but sometimes I would like to think this actually existed when my sewing machine just decides it doesn't want to work in the middle of a project - or even worse, in the middle of a runway show (speaking from experience)... I kind of wish I had this troubleshooting checklist when I needed it. It's your lucky day!! • I have complied the 10 points with questions you should be asking in order to troubleshoot your way out of sewing machine disasters. • 👉🏼Here is your own FREE TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST pdf (no sign-up necessary) : https://ltrltrend.fanlink.to/troubles... • 🌈Wanna support my work? ☕️BUY ME A COFFEE https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ltrltrend • INSTAGRAM @ltrltrend / ltrltrend • JOIN THE SEWING CIRCLE ON TELEGRAM https://t.me/ltrltrendchannel • Thank you so much for watching, • xox • Faren • Music: Youtube studio library -- Know Myself - Patrick Patrikios • Videography and Editing by Arianna Balestri • #Top10MostCommonSewingMachineProblems • #MostCommonSewingMachineTroubleshooting • #WhatToDoWhenMyThreadIsStuckInMySewingMachine • #TroubleshootBobbinProblems #TroubleshootingNeedleIssues • #WhyThe needleDoesNotPickUpBobbinThread • #DoIHaveTheRightNeedleGauge #TheCorrectThreadSpoolPosition • #WhyIsMyNeedleBreaking #SolutionToBunchingThread