The Law Of Receiving
The Law says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” and “as you freely give, you freely receive.” Unless we are free to extend or give out our desire, our good, the Law will not have any pattern to work with. It cannot proceed to supply any need without a pattern. Many try to work the Law backwards, and for that reason get little or no results. They say to themselves, “Well, after I get, then I will give.” If you wish any good thing, you must first give some good to build upon. • A dreamer or a wisher is one who is continually praying, sending out his ideas, his desires, and is so busy dreaming that he gets all his enjoyment out of his dreams. He doesn't know or realize that to release his dream and allow it to go forth to accomplish what it will, will in time return to him for good. • After you form a definite clear outline of your desire, then release your thought God-ward—let it go—like throwing a ball out with no string or rubber attached to bring it back to you. “Man's extremity is God's opportunity” is true, for when man reaches his limit, he hopelessly stops his efforts. When he relaxes from his strain, the Law has a chance to reply to his desires, and things begin to change for him. • The mind is like a sponge. We squeeze it hard with our anxious thoughts, but not until we can release the pressure and allow the sponge to take its normal shape can it become absorbent and receptive again. • 💰Large Sums Of Money Activation Trainings - 12 hours of training on activating the large sums of money reality • 🎨 Buy My Art - Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space and Imagination. • 📕BUY MY BOOK! • 🎧Listen to my book on audible • ✨ Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule • 🌎→The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channeling, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth • 🎼Music By Mettaverse Music • 🌎 Connect with Mettaverse • Their Website - • Check out Mettaverse's art - • 🌐Join The Reality Revolution – • ➡ Follow Us On Facebook / the-reality-revolution-podcast-hosted-by-b... • ➡Join The Reality Revolution Discord / discord • ➡ Join our Board On Reddit: / therealityrevolution • ➡Instagram: / the_reality_revolution • ➡Twitter: / mediaprime • ➡Spoutible: • ➡ MeWe: • ➡ Mastodon: • ➡ Atlantis: • ➡ Tribel: • ➡ Post.News: • ➡ Hive Social • 🌟Universal Laws ➡ • Universal Laws • 🌟All My Joseph Murphy Episodes - • Dr. Joseph Murphy • 🌟Anthony Norvell - • Anthony Norvell • 🌟All my Audiobooks - • Playlist • 🌟Sleep Meditations: • Sleep Meditations • 🌟The Guided Meditations Playlist: • Guided Meditations • #unviersallaws #lawofreceiving #prosperity #compensation #wealth #receiving #abundance #abundancemindset #receivingmode