My Aquarium Stinks Fix that Smelly Fish Tank


Your fish aquarium stinks of a bad odor from not what you may think. A lot of times the bad smell is actually coming from your fish food. A lot of times aquarium fish food is expired and once it sees moisture in the air it starts to decompose and smell bad. You can fix this by adding your fish food into a sealed Ziploc baggie. • Products: • ➡ Live Plants - • ➡ Popular Aquariums - • ➡ Rock Wood - • ➡ Best Lighting - • After you have sealed up all of your fish food and you know that’s not the smell we can then move towards fixing water parameters. You should test your aquarium water and look at two parameters in particular. The nitrate levels and the ammonia levels are what are important. • If your nitrate levels read over 40 ppm in your aquarium then you need to change water. This means changing 20 to 40% of your aquarium water and adding new water that is fresh. The nitrate levels are essentially the waist that is given off by an eaten fish food and fish poop. • Ammonia is the other important parameter that we need to test. You can use different ammonia tests to test the amount of ammonia in your aquarium water. If you’re showing any signs of ammonia in your aquarium this means that your aquarium cycle is screwed up. You’re going to have to research on how to fix your nitrogen cycle in your aquarium to fix this issue. • Ammonia issues will quickly get worse and drastically harm your fish. One way to bypass figuring out the nitrogen cycle is to auto cycle your aquarium using established media from a use filter. You can get a used aquarium filter from a local fish store a lot of the times or else from a local fish keeper.


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