Sri Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple Singarayakonda Prakasam district


Singam means lion. Konda means “hill”. This place has an ancient Varaha Lakshmi Narashima Swamy temple on a hill. Hence this has been called Singarayakonda. Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple is situated on a hill in Singarayakonda town, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. It is also called by Dakshina Simhachalam. Brahmostavaalu celebrations that take place every year in June attract large numbers of devotees from all over. The Prasanna Anjaneya Swamy temple is also present in Singarayakonda. • This temple has a 5 tier Rajagopuram, Dwaja stabham is placed in front of the Grabha Graha. The name Singarayakonda can be broken down as Singam – implying a lion and Konda – signifying a slope. This spot has an ancient Varaha Lakshmi Narashima Swamy Temple on a hill. Consequently, this has been called Singarayakonda. • As per the Legends, This region was ruled by Demon Kharasura, who established a vast Kharati Dynasty. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Narasimha who used to visit this place daily for Lord Narasimha Darshan. One day, When Kharasura requested the Lord for a boon, Lord replied to him that He will grant boon in his Rama Avatar (An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu). Angered Kharasura started interrupting Yajnas and Homam of the Sages. When Rama was exiled from the Kingdom, during his journey towards the south, Sages requested Rama to guard their Yajna. When Rama came across Kharasura who a devotee of Narasimha, Rama installed and offered prayers to Lord Narasimha before killing the demon. It is believed that Sage Narada did penance for Lord Narasimha who appeared before him in Varaha Narasimha Avatar. • The temple was built by King Devaraya in the 15th century. Also on the temple premises is a Yoga Nrsimha temple. The oldest temple inscription dates from AD 1449-50, which records the plastering of the temple, dedicated to the Sri Narasimha Swamy temple by Bandari Setti and Kuni Setti. The temple appears to be popular during the reign of Vijayanagara king Sri Krishnadevaraya, who was a Vaishnava by faith in the early 16th century. • #Devotional #kandukur #singarayakonda #narasimhaswamy #prakasam #malakonda • #pakala #ongole #prakasamdistrict #prakasamdistrictnews #narasimhaswamyshorts


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