Red Devil Cichlid Care amp Tank Set up Guide


Red Devil Cichlid the name says it all, its one of the most aggressive fish in the Aquarium hobby saying that its one of those fish which would grow a bond with its keeper. Few things which might help you understand these magnificent fish. These fish are native to the Central American region, these fish are found in the Nicaraguan lakes namely Lake Nicaragua, Lake Managua Lake Xiloa. The Red Devil fish looks similar to the Midas Cichlid with very less visual difference. Visual differences are the size the shape of the mouth. The Red Devil Fish can grow much large has somewhat pointed mouth where as the Midas cichlid has more rounded mouth. However, the fish in the aquarium hobby are mostly captive bred inter-bred with Midas other fish. These fish are aggressive have sharp teeth to back it up. The Male Red Devil Cichlid are larger than female Red Devil Fish grow a nuchal hump. These amazing fish can grow over a foot long live well over 10 years with proper care. • Scientific name - Amphilophus labiatus • Red Devil Cichlid Aquarium Care - • Tank Size - 50 gallon or bigger for Juveniles, 55 to 75 gallon for a fully grown adult 120 Gallon in case or a pair if you got lucky to house more than 4 or 5 adults it needs to be 200 Gallon aquarium or bigger. • Tank mates - As juveniles these fish may get along with similar sized fish however as they age tank mates might not be a good idea. In the video I have convict cichlids as tank mates for them along with Pleco. I might have to move them to bigger tank very soon. In case the red devil pairs up just move them into a separate tank as no other tank mate will be tolerated. • Tank Decoration - Its simple all you would need is driftwood, sand or gravel Clay pots rocks like i used in this set-up. If you are keeping a single fish you don't need much of hiding places. However if you are planning on community tank then you would require a lot of hiding places for smaller or less aggressive fish to retreat. • Water Parameters - • Temperature range - 75.0 to 79.0° F (23.9 to 26.1° C) • pH range - 6.5 to 7.5 • Water hardness - 10 to 25 dGH • Food - They accept a wide variety of fish food, I feed them Pellets, flakes, Spirulina, frozen live fish food, this includes blood worms, meal worms, frozen dried shrimp. The meaty food should be 20% of the diet. • Website - • Facebook Page -   / aquakri777   • Twitter - @AquaKri • Music - Crossing the Threshold - Ghostpocalypse by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( • Source: • Artist: • Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( • Source: • Artist: • Hey sailor - Letter Box from Youtube Audio Library


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