The Historic Peace Hybrid Tea Rose


In 1935. French rose breeder, M. Meilland, discovered a rose seedling simply labeled as #3-35-40. It was a beautiful pastel hybrid tea, and he was still working on developing it when the Germans invaded France. Fearing his rose nursery would be destroyed, he managed to send three parcels of budwood to the United States on the last plane to leave Paris before France fell. The rose's development was taken over by American growers, and it was given the name 'Peace' on the same day that Berlin fell to the Allies. • The blooms on this exceptional rose are huge - a full 5 to 6 inches! -- boasting 40 to 45 perfectly formed soft yellow petals edged with pink, which deepens and spreads as the flowers mature. The high-centered double blooms open from graceful ovoid buds, standing atop heavy, straight 18 to 24-inch stems, making this rose ideal for the cut garden. The blossoms only have a mild to moderately sweet fragrance, but their beauty and the overall great performance of the plant make it a wonderful garden addition. • Purchase Peace Rose: • YouTube:    / jacksonandperkins   • Website: • Facebook:   / jacksonandperkins   • Twitter: • Instagram:   / jacksonandperkins   • Pinterest:   / jacksonperkins   • Google+: • Blog: • • Music Artist: Jonny Easton • Music Title: Enchanting Inspirational Music - Still • Music Link:    • Enchanting Inspirational Music - Roya...  


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