New Recruits Season III Episode 1
Steve II Dawson head out to the lodge early to get things opened up and ready for the summer season after a long winter. New Recruits arrive as summer help and to start their training as packers and learn the ways of Rainy Pass Lodge. The staff prepares for the invasion of Camp Iron Sights. • New Recruits is Season 3 of Remote Summer Living (Season 2) and Surviving COVID 19 World Pandemic (Season 1), and is a spin-off series of R5Sons, Alaska non-scripted reality show featuring the Perrins Family at Rainy Pass Lodge. • Way Up Here theme song written and performed by country music star Trent Willmon. • Royalty Free Music: • License code: G2HYEMLWDAUWFSQ6 • #newrecruits #remotesummerliving #survivingcovid19 #rainypasslodge #alaskasummertrips #r5sons #alaska #remotewildernesslodge #alaskarealityshow #realityshow #perrins