2 of 4 KelTec KSG Shotgun Testing quotEat Leadquot by Nutnfancy

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=xCQRExoHIjI

Bragging rights from my Eat Lead close quarters drill will be hard won. In the hunt is the excellent Winchester 1300 versus newcomer: the innovative KelTec KSG shotgun (and later a Saiga 12). More runs ensue from the trench with the Nutnfancy crew of Chad from KelTec, the PFIs (Dude and Dad), and myself. More surprises and laughs are in store but we stay focused on improving our techniques and times with all systems. We note several helpful observations in running the KSG system that might help you also to master such a new system; the magazine tube selector will almost always take the shooter by surprise unless you game it. And to make it fun and more interesting, handguns are still an important part of the runs and product testing (I believe that gunners should be well-rounded in all disciplines). I remain impressed with my .45 ACP Smith and Wesson 1911 #108303 handgun choice as it continues to dominate the steel at the pistol stage. Hitting the 40 yard plate is tough. But PFIDude steps up however with a Springfield XDM45 and delivers equally impressive hits and speed as well in this part. Even Chad's runs come together here as his speed and accuracy improves with the KSG and the FNP9 handgun. And while PFIDude and Dad take an extended lunch break back at the truck (what?!), Chad and I work straight on through and slam down out more runs. As usual time and energy are in limited quantities. Somewhere along the way I test the prototype KelTec single point sling tie in and it comes in as a massive fail...to be improved! Come on along for this old-school Nutnfancy vid as we put more lead down on the Actiontarget.com steel and come away impressed with the KSG (and the Winchester 1300)!////////////////////// Perfect EAT LEAD run score is 36 (25 pt/hits, 5 pt speed run bonus, 3 pt no miss shotgun bonus, 3 pt handgun no miss bonus). Any HOSTAGE hits subtract 5 pts! ////////Note: Downloading the KSG in the initial runs is imperative for a good test. Running full tubes would not have explored the complicated reload/switchover process unless the course was lengthened to an expensive, tiring, and time consuming 30 rds! And keep in mind, I ran several runs with full power 00 Buckshot as well...try that with 30 rds... I dare you. ☺ As I show and discuss, the KSG is different than any other gun and requires understanding and practice. In later runs we run it full to demonstrate capabilities and gather data. I suggest any critics to this decision look to other sources for the standard armchair group think and non-critical assessment on this new product. TNP has never been a place for this. You will learn much more about the KSG here and how you the viewer could be expected to run the gun under some stress as a represented by different skill levels within the crew.


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